Court hears of House of Horror injuries

Court hears of House of Horror injuries

The North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria on Monday heard the children removed from the so-called House of Horrors in Springs had injuries that could have been inflicted by a cattle prod.

Springs Monster in court_jacanews
Photo: Pieter van der Merwe, JacarandaFM News

Registered nurse from the Sexual Assault Clinic, Christina Rollin testified about the injuries she found on the five children.

They removed from the house and their parents' care in 2014.

The father and mother are facing a combined 22 charges, including that of rape and assault.

Rollin read out a long list of injuries she observed on the then 11-year-old’s son’s head.

He was allegedly assaulted by his father after he ran to their neighbours for help. 

Rollin’s evidence, which also includes injuries inflicted on his body, showed consistencies with claims by the boy that he was also allegedly assaulted with a cattle prod, tied up and even burned.

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