WATCH: Still no word on Lily Mine collapse workers

WATCH: Still no word on Lily Mine collapse workers

It has been 12 days since the Lily mine disaster and there is still no word on the wellbeing of the three workers that are trapped underground.

Lily Mine air_video
Photo from video

Yesterday the chairman of the parliamentary portfolio committee of mineral resources, Sahlulele Luzipo was asked about declaring the disaster a national emergency in order for more resources to be freed up to assist in the search and rescue operation. 

Luzipo explained: "We have to be allowed to finish our report first, before assumptions are made."

The mine collapsed on February 5th leaving the three workers, who worked in the lamp room, unaccounted for.

Rescue operations were halted at the mine on Saturday after some of the rock face collapsed more than once.

The mine's Mike Begg took a team of top management underground on Tuesday, after movement decreased, to assess the structural integrity of the mine shaft as well as the surrounding area.

The group also inspected a secondary escape route in an effort to assure the safety of the rescue workers before they continued with the mission.

Amcu leader, Joseph Mathunjwa as well as mine management is set to brief media on operations on Wednesday, to stipulate the way forward.

The ANCWL was also set to visit the mine to show support for the affected workers and their families. 

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