De Lille's request for public hearing to be considered on Tuesday

De Lille's request for public hearing to be considered on Tuesday

The suspended Cape Town mayor's disciplinary hearing is set to get underway this week.

Patricia de Lille

The Democratic Alliance (DA) says Patricia de Lille's request for her disciplinary hearing to be held in public will have to be argued before the party's legal arm on Tuesday.


That's also when De Lille's three-day disciplinary hearing gets underway.


She has been charged with bringing the party into disrepute, following allegations of nepotism, bribery and covering up corruption.


The Cape Town Mayor, however, has vehemently denied the claims.


She wants the media to be given access to her hearing so that the public can understand what she's been charged with.


But the DA's James Selfe says party disciplinary processes are always done in private.


"It is of no interest to the general public and has nothing to do with her relationship with the City of Cape Town Council," the party's Federal Chairman says.


De Lille wants the hearing to be led by an independent person, as well as for former Deputy Justice Minister, Sheila Camerer to be taken off the disciplinary panel.


The mayor claims the Apartheid-era politician hasn't practiced law in years.


But Selfe has hit back.


"She has made some particularly distasteful remarks about Ms. Sheila Camerer," says Selfe.


He says there is nothing to suggest the individuals on the panel will not be impartial.

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