EC Health denies 59 vaccinated healthcare workers in hospital

EC Health denies 59 vaccinated healthcare workers in hospital

The Department of Health in Eastern Cape has refuted reports that 59 vaccinated healthcare workers landed up in hospital. 


News24 earlier reported that the healthcare workers were hospitalised after receiving the jab. 


But the department says only five healthcare workers ended up in hospital,


"This cannot be further from the truth as only five health workers have been hospitalised after being vaccinated," says departmental spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo.


"Such misleading news reports cause unnecessary panic in a society where the government is also dispelling conspiracy theories peddled by anti-vaxxers. 


"Such fake news are creating alarm and should be condemned as they harm government's vaccination programme." 


Kupelo says the department does its best to provide up-to-date and accurate information.


"The department circulates its daily epidemiological report to all stakeholders, including all media houses. 


"This is done not only because of transparency but to ensure that media houses report accurately instead relying on faceless people.


"This is why it is shocking when journalists misread or misrepresent the information shared with them."

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