Eskom one of the most gender-diverse utilities in the world

Eskom one of the most gender-diverse utilities in the world

Eskom has been ranked as one of the world's most gender-diverse power and utilities companies. 

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According to a press release the troubled power giant invested in the advancement of women through mentorship and leadership development.

"The Ernst & Young's Women in Power and Utilities Index 2016's global list of the top 20 most gender-diverse

 Power and Utilities companies ranked Eskom at sixth place," the statement read.

In addition, the list of the top 200 Power and Utilities companies with the most gender diverse workforces in the Africa and Middle East region also placed Eskom at sixth place.

Eskom has an employment equity plan aimed at advancing gender equality at senior, middle management and professional levels in order to increase the number of women in top managerial positions.

ALSO READ: NUM declares wage dispute with Eskom

"We have set ourselves a target of 45.7% of women representation at both middle and senior management level by 2020. Currently 36% of Eskom's professional and middle management are women and 30% are in senior management.," the statement concluded.


The gender equity programmes comprises of six focus areas namely:

- Women in leadership

- Women in nuclear

- Women in technical roles

- Conducive work environment

- Employee value proposition

- Powerful partnerships 

- Press Release

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