Fifteen dead in Mogadishu blasts

Fifteen dead in Mogadishu blasts

Reports have surfaced of 15 people that were killed in the Somalian capital, Mogadishu.


The BBC is reporting that at least 15 people died after two blasts in the capital close to the international airport.

Gunshots could also reportedly be heard with authorities saying that most of the casualties were security personnel at the airport.

The terror group Al Shabaab has reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack that took place close to the African Union's AMISOM Peacekeepers base.

The explosions were apparently caused by two simultaneous suicide car bombs near the entrance to the Mogadishu airport.

Earlier this month Somali security forces foiled a suicide car bomb attack on a hotel in the Somali capital of Mogadishu.

Local government spokesman Abdifitah Omar Halane said the officers from the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) also arrested a terrorist suspect who attempted to carry out attack on Maka Al-Mukarama Hotel.

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