Gardee family 'confident' Hillary's killers will be brought to book

Gardee family 'confident' Hillary's killers will be brought to book

The Gardee family says it's confident the attackers of 28-year-old Hillary Gardee will be brought to justice. 

Police Minister Bheki Cele at the Hillary Gardee crime scene outside Mbombela May 2022

The 28-year-old, who was the daughter of former EFF secretary-general and attorney Godrich Gardee, was found murdered in Mpumalanga on Tuesday. 

Her disappearance, after she had gone to a Nelspruit supermarket, sparked an intensive four-day search. 

A three-year-old girl who was in her care was found abounded near the family's home on Friday. 


The EFF's Sinawo Thambo, who is the family's spokesperson, says while they are shattered, they have faith in the justice system.

"Police must ensure that the perpetrators are brought to book. 

"Any intervention at the level of the commissioner or the minister is welcomed, but it reveals a much deeper systemic problem that kidnappings can happen of this nature and a person can be missing for days on end and they cannot be found. 

"It's not isolated, it happens on a daily basis across South Africa and when one considers gender-based violence, one must realise that there must be a much deeper-rooted structural change on how we bring perpetrators to books."

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