Gauteng primary school pupil punches teacher

Gauteng primary school pupil punches teacher

A Johannesburg primary school pupil allegedly punched his teacher in the face on Tuesday, Beeld reported.

A Johannesburg primary school pupil allegedly punched his teacher in the face on Tuesday, Beeld reported.
The boy, 14, allegedly punched Zascia Hakkesteeg, 41, head of the department of educational training at Jim Fouche Primary School in Brixton, after she asked him to remove a jersey which was not part of the school uniform.
The police were called and the boy was taken to the Brixton police station, where a charge of assault was laid.
Police spokesman Warrant Officer Gordon Billings said the boy was taken home by his mother on Tuesday afternoon.
Gauteng department of education spokesman Gershwin Chuenyane said the boy had been suspended for seven days, pending a formal disciplinary hearing.
Second Glenvista pupil suspended
A pupil who took the video of a classmate assaulting a teacher at Glenvista High School was suspended on Tuesday, the school said.
The pupil would return to school on Tuesday for a disciplinary hearing, said school governing body (SGB) chairman Michael Etti.
"Thirteen other perpetrators were identified from the examination of the school surveillance cameras," he said.
They would be issued with suspension notices on either Wednesday or Thursday, and would face disciplinary hearings next Friday and the following Monday, he said.
Parents would be informed of the developments at a meeting which would probably be held on Wednesday.
The Gauteng education department welcomed the suspension, but distanced itself from the move.
"We cannot comment further because the matter is subject to  a disciplinary hearing," said spokesman Gershwin Chuenyane. 
"The SGB is responsible for learner discipline in terms of the SA School Act, and is therefore discharging its authority as the custodian of the school's code of conduct," he said.
A video showing a Grade Eight pupil attacking a teacher went viral last month.
The pupil was shown unsuccessfully trying to retrieve a school bag from the teacher, whom he then hit and kicked, before throwing a chair and a broom at him as the teacher walked out of the classroom.

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