GDE online admissions to re-open in October

GDE online admissions to re-open in October

Parents of grade 1 and grade 8 learners have been afforded a second chance to secure a seat for their child in a Gauteng classroom.

GDE online admissions

All applicants who have not yet applied for Admission for 2018 will be provided an opportunity to make applications when the Admissions Online Application opens once again from 23 October 2017 to 10 November 2017.


To date, the Gauteng Department of Education has processed close to 67% or 193 103 of 285 834 applications for placement. 

A total of 108 661 have been placed in Grade 1 and 84 442 in Grade 8.


"The Department is happy with the progress of placing learners whose parents applied online for Grades 1 and 8 for the 2018 school year. A big thanks goes to all the parents that have applied and complied with all the processes." says GDE Spokesman Steve Mabona.

The department says 19 858 applicants have not yet confirmed offers of placement offers. If these offers were confirmed the total number of finalised placement would have increased to 212 961 or 74%.


"The lack of response from parents is delaying the placement process. Once again, parents are urged to accept offers of placement from schools with available space. Parents who do not confirm offers of placement will lose the space as the offer will be extended to the next available prospective learner.


In the meantime, the placement of 72 873 applicants is currently being processed. All District Offices in the Gauteng Department of Education are in the process of placing learners at schools with available space." says Mabona

He adds a number of schools are over-subscribed and cannot accept any more learners. 

"We plead with parents to accept alternative offers of placement," says Mabona.

"When people go for their holiday vacation in December they should know where their child will be attending school next year". 

For further assistance with admission queries parents can contact the GDE at the following:


Call centre number – 0800 000 789

Email: [email protected]

Social media: Twitter and Instagram - @EducationGP and Gauteng Department of Education on Facebook

Parents can also visit their nearest District Office for assistance with further queries.

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