Govt to start with at least 50 000 vaccinations a day, GEMS symposium hears

Govt to start with at least 50 000 vaccinations a day, GEMS symposium hears

With the second phase of government's vaccination programme set to begin on Monday, government will be targeting at least 50 000 vaccines a day.

COVID-19 vaccine
COVID-19 vaccine/ iStock

This was confirmed by senior executive director of Aspen Stavros Nicolaou at the GEMS (Government Employees Medical Scheme) symposium on Thursday. 


"We are probably going to start between 50 000 - 80 000 vaccinations a day and we will scale up our vaccinations.

"The anticipation is that between July and October, we are going to start averaging at around 260 000 vaccinations a day." 

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Phase two of the government's vaccination programme will target 17 million of the country's vulnerable groups. 


This will include the elderly population that is above 60 years old and persons living with comorbidities.  


"On Monday we are going to the old age homes where we think we will find the over 60s. Many of them are frail and so rather than asking them to come to our facilities,” said Nicolaou.


Government has set aside 7 000 sites to assist with phase two of the vaccination programme. 

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