Govt to start second wave of assistance for township and informal businesses

Govt to start second wave of assistance for township and informal businesses

The Department of Small Business Development has announced that they will be issuing more state support to informal small enterprises, including cooperatives based in townships and villages.

Spaza generic

This comes after Cabinet approved the Department’s Township and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme (TREP) in February this year.

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It includes several schemes to assist informal businesses during socio-economic crises.


In a statement, the department says applications to access the fund will open from Wednesday.


"In addition, spaza shop owners wanting more direct access may make an appointment to visit their nearest SEDA branch for assistance with applying for the Scheme," reads the statement released on Monday morning.


"SEDA offices will be available to assist entrepreneurs to register with CIPC and SARS at the cost of the applicant and also assist with municipal business licensing, in the event municipalities are not responsive."

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