Infant among 9 killed in Joburg CBD blaze

Infant among 9 killed in Joburg CBD blaze

An infant is among nine people who burnt to death in shack fire in the Johannesburg CBD on Wednesday.

Building Blaze

A fire broke out in the early hours of Wednesday morning, destroying at least 100 shacks.

Scores of people were also left injured.

Emergency Services spokesperson Nana Radebe says the incident occurred in one of the abandoned buildings near the KwaMai-Mai establishment.

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 "This is one of the hijacked buildings that has shacks inside. Plus minus hundred shacks have been affected 9 people have died, including an infant.

"A number of people were also treated on scene and most of them were taken to hospital with burns and fractures."


The cause of the fire is being investigated.


"At this moment we are still busy with what caused the fire but we can confirm that it started on the ground and spread to two other floors where other people were found," adds Radebe.  

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