IPID investigating Pretoria CBD taxi driver killing

IPID investigating Pretoria CBD taxi driver killing

The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) is investigating the killing of a taxi driver, Jabu Baloyi.

Jabu Baloyi
Jabu Baloyi was shot dead in the Pretoria Central Business District (CBD) on the 25th of August 2019.

He was shot dead in the Pretoria Central Business District (CBD) on the 25th of August 2019 - when taxi operators chased drug peddlers out of the area.

It was then alleged that Baloyi was killed by a foreign national and that sparked a spate of attacks on foreign-owned shops in various areas of Gauteng.

Speaking to the media earlier this week, Police Minister Bheki Cele said more than 600 people have since been arrested, while 12 people lost their lives.

Acting National Spokesperson for IPID, Sontaga Seisa, confirmed to Jacaranda FM News on Wednesday morning that they are investigating the killing of the taxi driver.

However, Seisa could not comment on reports on social media that a police firearm was allegedly used in the crime.

Seisa adds the investigation is continuing.


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Baloyi was killed in the Pretoria CBD when he and his fellow taxi drivers were trying to chase drug lords from the inner city. It is reported that a shot was fired and Baloyi died on the scene.

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