Jacob Zuma slams Parliament for not doing enough to create social cohesion

Jacob Zuma slams Parliament for not doing enough to create social cohesion

Former President Jacob Zuma has accused parliament of “not helping” in social cohesion debates and nation building. 

Jacob Zuma_ddw
Photo: Denvor de Wee/Visual Buzz

The former President was speaking at the ANC (African National Congres) Umrabulo virtual session on Sunday. 

“Parliament is a very open and public institution and is not helping in the debate that we are having on cohesion and nation building. At times some people think it’s very disgusting because some people swear at each other do every kind of thing, it is not in a sense contributing to nation building,”says Zuma.

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The former president is back in the news – with his criminal case schedule to continue in the Pietermaritzburg High Court on Tuesday, where he is accused with French weapons manufacturer, Thales, on charges relating to the multi billion rand arms deal from the 1990s.

Zuma is also in a battle with the State Capture Commission and may face possible jail time for not adhering to a summons to return and complete his testimony.

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