Judgement reserved in legal battle over sport quotas

Judgment reserved in legal battle over sport quotas

The Labour Court in Johannesburg has reserved judgment in the battle between trade union Solidarity and the government over quotas in sport.


The matter was in court on Wednesday.

Solidarity, together with the rights movement AfriForum, wants all quotas removed when it comes to the selection of players for the various sport teams in South Africa.

Sports Minister Tokozile Xasa and several sporting bodies, including the South African Rugby Union, Cricket South Africa and Athletics South Africa, are opposing the application.

The department’s Vuyo Mhaga says the department doesn’t believe the case should be heard in the labour court.  

"Our lawyers really placed the matters quite well before court and the judgment is reserved.

“We will await the judge to give an indication of where to from here.”

The merits of the case was not addressed on Wednesday.

Solidarity’s Werner Human says the trade union will await the court’s pronouncement on jurisdiction before getting into the merits of the case.  

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