Julius Malema: Zuma never cared for Kathrada

Julius Malema: Zuma never cared for Kathrada

Leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Julius Malema has accused President Jacob Zuma of being a "criminal who is scared of prison".

EFF julius Malema press briefing
Photo: Samkelo Maseko

Speaking to Jacaranda FM News outside Ahmed Kathrada's home in Killarney on Tuesday, Malema didn't mince his words.


Commenting on a letter that was written by the late struggle icon, Ahmed Kathrada, Malema said President Zuma never even had the decency to respond.


"It is a year after uncle Kathy wrote that letter and Zuma is yet to respond. Now he wants to come and pretend as if he cared about uncle Kathy," Malema said.


Malema added that president Zuma is doing everything in his power to "steal from the public purse".


"We are led by a criminal which is extremely scared of prison and as a result the criminal is doing everything in his power to destabilise the country."


Malema said the difficulties South Africa is currently experiencing will test the sustainability of the country's democracy.


"We have no reason to complain that we are in a state of hopelessness. We know that we will survive - it is just a matter of time," Malema said.


Malema believes if South Africa has a true democracy, based on principals of human rights and n the will of those who fought for it, it will survive.

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