Kebble shooting accomplice sequestrated

Kebble shooting accomplice sequestrated

The estate of Faizel Smith, a bouncer and accomplice in the Brett Kebble killing, has been put under final sequestration, the SA Revenue Service (Sars) said on Tuesday.

"Mr Smith owes Sars R647,574.85 in income tax debt for the tax period 2005 to 2009. This includes the initial debt, additional tax, and interest," spokesman Adrian Lackay said in a statement.
"Sars had registered Mr Smith for income tax during 2011, having established he should have been paying tax since 2005."
He said Sars was appointing a liquidator. The final sequestration order was granted on May 15 by the High Court in Johannesburg.
"Mr Smith has never disputed his indebtedness to Sars, but has not paid his outstanding debt," Lackay said.
Smith was one of the men involved in the shooting of mining magnate Kebble in September 2005.
He, boxer Mikey Schultz, and another bouncer, Nigel McGurk, were deemed honest witnesses and granted indemnity in 2010 in terms of the Criminal
Procedure Act. They testified for the State in the trial of Glenn Agliotti.
- Sapa

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