Khomotso Phahlane: SAPS are going back to basics

Khomotso Phahlane: SAPS are going back to basics

Acting police commissioner, Khomotso Phahlane told Jacaranda FM on Tuesday morning that police visibility and accessibility is very important.

Gauteng 2016 Sopa SAPS horses
Bridget Masinga

Phahlane responded to queries and concerns from Jacaranda FM listeners saying, all cases are investigated and taken seriously.

One listener, a former policeman, pleaded with the commissioner to bring SAPS members back to the streets.

"We need to go back on horseback, foot patrols and be visible in more areas," Phahlane said.

He added that it is important for members of the police to work closely with various communities.

He also said that it is not always viable to patrol in all areas in the country but that resources need to be optimised.

Are there enough trained SAPS members?

Responding to a question, General Phahlane said that the SAPS consist of more than 200 000 trained police officers who know how to do their job.

"There will always be rotten elements within the SAPS but we are committed to deal with such elements," Phahlane added.

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