KZN child rapist jailed for 125 years

KZN child rapist jailed for 125 years

Convicted child rapist Mzothule Sizwe Gwala was handed five life sentences in the Vryheid Regional Court on Wednesday, KwaZulu-Natal police said.

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Captain Thulani Zwane said: "The sentences will not run concurrently meaning that he will serve his 125 years in prison".
On December 8 2010, a 10-year-old girl was walking to a shop when Gwala accosted her and forced her into his house, where he raped her. 
She told her parents, who reported the matter to police. 
"During the investigation, the victim reported that the accused had raped her several times before in separate incidents," Zwane said. 
He threatened to kill her if she told anyone about the rapes. 
Gwala, also referred to as Gabela, was convicted on five counts of rape. 
Provincial police commissioner Lt-Gen Mmamonnye Ngobeni commended the Vryheid family violence, child protection and sexual offences unit for their hard work in bringing the rapist to justice. 
"This is a victory to the SAPS as crimes against women and children are one of our priority crimes in the province."

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