Labour Appeal Court interdicts Nehawu members from continuing strike

Labour Appeal Court interdicts Nehawu members from continuing strike

The Labour Appeals Court has interdicted the strike by trade union Nehawu with immediate effect.

Court gavel_gallo
File photo: Gallo Images

The court issued its ruling on Monday morning.

Thousands of Nehawu members downed tools last week in a strike which has been marred by violence and intimidation. 

Workers are demanding a 10% wage hike while government has so far only put an offer of 4.7% on the table. 

“The strike action, picket, or any other form of industrial action by Nehawu, its members and employees employed at SASSA, SIU and SANBI which commenced on 6 March 2023 is interdicted with immediate effect and Nehawu and all such employees are restrained and prevented from continuing with or participating in any such strike, picket or any other form of industrial action,” the court ordered.

“Nehawu is ordered to inform its members and officials and all persons to whom it had given notice of the strike in every province, including but not limited to every hospital and clinic in South Africa at which it has members within the essential services, of the order of this Court, through publication on social media, by email and by all other appropriate means available to it, by no later than 13h00 on Monday.”

The strike, which entered its second week on Monday, has affected service delivery at several healthcare facilities in the country. 

Meanwhile, the National Health Department has welcomed the court ruling. 

“We believe this judgement will bring some form of stability in health facilities across the country. This is a victory for the innocent, vulnerable and un-unionised patients who have suffered the consequences of the disruptive and violent strike action,” said the department’s Foster Mohale.

Earlier on Monday, members of the South African National Defence Force manned entry points at the Thelle Mogoerane Regional Hospital while Minister of Health Joe Phaahla visited the facility. 

“We are calling for a peaceful and non-violent strike to allow non-striking healthcare workers to exercise their right to work without being intimidated or victimised,” said Phaahla.


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