Light at end of tunnel for backlog in SA’s DNA crime analysis

Light at end of tunnel for backlog in SA’s DNA crime analysis

Parliament’s police committee says after four years it believes there is now a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to the processing of DNA samples.

police uniform saps
Gaopalelwe Phalaetsile

The committee said it was satisfied that there is a commitment to finding an alternative solution to backlogs and problems with the current property control and exhibit management system.

This followed engagements with the South African Police Service and the State Information Technology.

Phase one of the project has been concluded and the committee is satisfied that it will be launched on the 6th of April 2021.

This phase includes case information updates, barcode activation and measures to improve barcode search function.

National Treasury has committed itself to assist both SAPS and Sita to ensure successful completion of clearing the DNA backlog and migration towards an internal system.

The committee has reiterated its call that lengthy litigation is an unnecessary cost burden to the fiscus and should be avoided.

"The state’s finances are better directed at delivering quality service delivery to the people of this country. The criminal justice system will be better served by a Forensic Science Laboratory functioning optimally to ensure that prosecutions are scientific, evidence-based and timely," said chairperson Tina Joemat-Pettersson.

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