AfriForum ‘will work with US’ on land issue

[LISTEN]:AfriForum ‘will work with US’ on land issue

Lobby group AfriForum has welcomed US President Donald Trump’s response to South Africa’s proposed land expropriation without compensation and farm killings.


In a tweet, Trump said he had tasked his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to study the government’s to expropriate land without compensation as well as "the large scale killing of farmers".

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In May, Afriforum CEO Kallie Kriel and deputy CEO Ernst Roets met with Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, in their efforts to gain international support against land expropriation without compensation and farm murders.

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“We welcome the president of the US’ announcement. We actually have no other choice but to go to the international community because the South African president has announced that he and the ANC have decided to change the constitution to allow for expropriation without compensation,” Kriel said.

Kriel says President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the amendment of Section 25 of the Constitution to expropriate land without compensation before the conclusion of the public participation process.

During a question and answer session in the National Assembly on Tuesday, Ramaphosa assured members of parliament that the ruling party is not out to grab land.

“I would like all of as South Africans to move away from this fear psychosis that has been going around particularly those who are going around spreading lies and rumours, organisations like AfriForum running overseas saying the ANC is out for a land grab. There is no such a thing, the ANC wants to ensure there is land reform for the growth of our economy.”

Kriel said AfriForum will provide all available information to Pompeo.  

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