[LISTEN] Cape Town city authorities deny targeting the homeless

[LISTEN] Cape Town city authorities deny targeting the homeless

The City of Cape Town has denied that it's targeting homeless people by fining them excessively for sleeping in public spaces.

Pexels / https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photo-of-man-lying-beside-tree-808424/

The City's JP Smith says despite the city’s efforts to create safe spaces for homeless people to sleep, the situation on the street has not improved.

 “As a city it would be irresponsible for us not to hold homeless people accountable to the same bylaws as all the other public,” says Smith.

The City fines homeless people based on its bylaws, which was set up over 10 years ago. It prohibits prohibit camping, noise, nuisances and setting up fires in undesignated areas

ALSO READ: SAHRC threatens legal action over Cape Town ‘homeless bylaw’

Concerns have been raised on how the homeless are expected to pay the fines. Smith explained that the amount of the fines are not determined by the city, but are set by the chief magistrate.

“The focus is very much on social development, but there are some frequent, habitual offenders who you can’t perpetually exempt. It is very possible that they won’t pay these fines, but then they will have to explain court about why they are continuous offenders,” says Smith. 

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