LISTEN: Eskom fleets getting worse every year, says energy expert

LISTEN: Eskom fleets getting worse every year, says energy expert

South Africans are sitting through another weekend of rolling blackouts due to breakdowns at Eskom’s fleet of power stations. 


The country was still in the midst of stage 2 load shedding on Sunday, which the power utility warned could last until at least Monday morning. 


Energy expert Chris Yelland explains that Eskom’s power plants are deteriorating year by year.

“If you look at the so called energy availability factor of the Eskom fleet, it’s getting worse year by year, and this year to date is the lowest.


“What this means is that the old Eskom coal fire plant is getting older year by year and performing worse by the year which is what you’d expected as it ages.”


Yelland adds the new plants are not performing any better than the old ones.


“At the same time newly built Medupi and Kusile that are coming on stream very slowly, are performing like old plants, meaning that it’s energy availability factor is not bringing the average up as it should. In fact, its performing as bad or if not, as worse as the old plants.”




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