Malamulele pupils unable to rewrite matric due to protests

Malamulele pupils unable to rewrite matric due to protests

Around 350 pupils in Malamulele will not write their supplementary matric exams on Monday due to ongoing protests in the area, the Limpopo education department said.


Spokesman Paena Galane said the department did not want to risk the lives of its pupils and employees.


"The situation remains the same, there is no improvement, the only time we can go there is when the situation is normalised," he said. 


More than 350 pupils were eligible to rewrite various subjects after failing the 2014 final exams, but were unable to register as residents in the area embarked on violent protests demanding their own municipality. 


Galane said attempts to have the pupils rewrite was hampered by the shut-down in the area. 


The protest was entering its sixth week, with schools and businesses suspended. 


In January, the Municipal Demarcation Board rejected the Malamulele task team's submission for a separate municipality. 


Four schools had been torched since the announcement was made.


The task team was due to meet on Monday to find ways to suspend the protest and determine the way forward. 


(File photo: Gallo Images)


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