Mantashe: Huge drop in mining fatalities

Mantashe: Huge drop in mining fatalities

Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe says there has been a 53% drop in mining fatalities in the first half of 2019.

Gwede Mantashe Parli
Image courtesy: ParliamentofRSA/ZKostile

Mantashe made the announcement while tabling the department's 2019/20 budget vote in Parliament on Wednesday.

"The total number of fatalities this year stands at 21, lower than the 45 reported for the same period in 2018. There has also been an improvement on mining injuries," said Mantashe.

He also addressed the issue of illicit mining and the trafficking of minerals, emphasising that illegal mining is a criminal activity.

“We reaffirm that mining is a sunrise industry and it can revive the economy as well as boost the growth and development of the country."

The process of budget vote assists with ensuring that public funds allocated to departments are spent according to the government’s priorities.

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