Marius Fransman accuser welcomes his suspension

Marius Fransman accuser welcomes his suspension

Louisa Wynand, the woman who is accusing ANC Western Cape provincial chairperson Marius Fransman of sexual assault, says she is relieved and happy with the decision by the ANC National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) to suspend him. 

Marius Fransman_gcis
Photo: GCIS

The NDC found Fransman guilty of abusing his office for the purpose of attempting to obtain a sexual favour from Wynand and for making public statements which brought the ANC into disrepute.


His party membership has been suspended for five years.


Wynand's spokesperson, Gavin Prins, says she has been through a very emotional process over the past few months.


"She is particularly relieved for her family who have also been suffering, because they have seen her cry at night. They have been her constant pillar and support structure throughout this time," says Prins.


Prins says Wynand is now focussing on the criminal investigation.


"[It] was laid with the Northern Cape police. The case is still with the Director of Public Prosecutions. They are still busy investigating the case. She now intends to give her full support to that investigation," says Prins.

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