Mashaba honours Lisbon Building firefighters

Mashaba honours Lisbon Building firefighters

Johannesburg Mayor Herman Mashaba has honoured the firefighters who died while battling last year's blaze at the Bank of Lisbon. 

By Neo Motlaung
The building in the Joburg CBD, which housed the Gauteng Department of Health, caught fire in September. 

The fire first broke out on the 23rd floor of the building and went on to damage nine other floors. 

Mashaba expressed his gratitude to the family members and colleagues of three firefighters who passed away.

Mashaba was speaking at the EMS Awards in Florida, west of Johannesburg, together with the city's MMC for Public Safety, Micheal Sun. 

The awards this year were held to honour firefighters Khathutshelo Muedi, Mduduzi Ndlovu and Simphiwe Moropana, who died while battling the blaze. 

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“It takes a very long time for them not being around,” said Mashaba, who praised the work done by the city's emergency services. 

“Our city EMS staff copes well with around 250 calls a year and it take a lot from you mentally and physically. It is a demanding occupation and often a thankless one, but I want you all to know how indebted we are to you.”

Mashaba said both internal and external investigations into the cause of the fire are still underway. 
The city has budgeted to bring in 92 fire engines for the city of Johannesburg.

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