Msimanga: We inherited a mess from ANC

Msimanga: We inherited a mess from ANC

Tshwane mayor Solly Msimanga has bemoaned the state of the city, saying he has inherited a mess from the ANC.  

Solly Msimanga

Msimanga has given a report on his first 100 days in office. 


"We have opened up three forensic investigations that will look into the investigating ghost employees in the city, the other investigation will look into the electricity power station that was supposed to be built in Mamelodi," says Msimanga. 


Msimanga says it will take time for him to turn the ship around - but that the situation will eventually improve. He pleaded with the residents of Tshwane to be patient with him and his team of MMC's.

"We inherited a mess from the previous administration led by the ANC," says Msimanga.


Msimanga also says he has not used blue lights in his first hundred days in office and has no plans to do so. 

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