Murder and hijacking suspect arrested

Murder and hijacking suspect arrested

A suspect wanted for serious crimes, including murder and hijacking, has been arrested, Kwazulu Natal police said on Wednesday.


Police spokesperson Major Thulani Zwane said the man had allegedly broken into the Pietermaritzburg Crime Intelligence offices in July and stolen a rifle and three handguns locked in a safe.

“The police combed the entire crime scene for evidence and fingerprints were taken. A few days later, the Pietermaritzburg Local Criminal Recording Centre (fingerprints Office) released information that positively identified the suspect via fingerprints”, Zwane said.

The suspect has been linked to a string of serious crimes including murder, car hijacking, housebreaking and theft.

Zwane said crime intelligence members “worked around the clock” to track down the suspect on Tuesday.

The breakthrough in the case came this week, when police received information about his whereabouts.

“The said suspect was always on the move from one city to another in order to avoid being apprehended. The members finally apprehended the suspect in Howick yesterday. The police also followed up on the cases where the said suspect was involved in and managed to recover the stolen rifle and three handguns.”

KwaZulu-Natal Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Mmamonnye Ngobeni praised the police officers involved in cracking the case: “Their efforts in following up with the investigation and the community policing has proved to positively contribute in the apprehension of the wanted suspect. A very big thank you to the community that worked hand in hand with the police in the fight against crime.”

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