Nedlac sets up team to finalise “urgent” economic recovery programme

Nedlac sets up team to finalise “urgent” economic recovery programme

The National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) has set up a high level working team, to finalise an urgent economic recovery programme for South Africa.

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This was the outcome of a virtual meeting that was chaired by President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday.


Over the next three weeks, Nedlac constituencies will nominate senior leadership to serve on a team that will set up priority actions for economic reconstruction and the institutional arrangements to support these actions. 


“To deepen consensus and advance to action, Nedlac constituencies will nominate senior leadership to serve on a team that will over the next three weeks draw up a set of priority actions for economic reconstruction and the institutional arrangements to support these actions.

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“These arrangements will build on the foundation of the work done by social partners on implementing the agreements reached at the Presidential Job Summit in 2018  and will include transforming the current Presidential Working Committee on the Jobs Summit into a Presidential Working Committee on Economic Recovery,” says acting Presidency spokesperson Tyrone Seale. 


The team will further focus on job creation, having a sectoral approach, infrastructure, energy security and economic growth.


“There is broad agreement that proposals for economic recovery need to be underpinned by immediate measures to protect jobs and livelihoods and building a capable state,” adds Seale.


Over the next few weeks, the team will present Nedlac and the President with an economic recovery action plan that will be submitted to Cabinet for endorsement.


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