Eskom announced on Thursday, that they have been able to supply the country’s electricity needs and do maintenance without implementing loadshedding for the past 25 days.

No loadshedding anticipated

Eskom announced on Thursday, that they have been able to supply the country’s electricity needs and do maintenance without implementing loadshedding for the past 25 days.


“We are implementing our maintenance plan to increase the reliability of our plant, which will in turn increase our operating reserves and stabilise the grid,” the power utility said.

Eskom said that they did not anticipate that there would be a need to implement loadshedding on Thursday as the power system was currently stable.

“However, the system remains vulnerable, meaning that any extra load or faults in the system may necessitate the need to implement load shedding.”

Eskom appealled to all their customers to continue to reduce their electricity usage throughout the day but to be aware of the need to save more during the peak periods from 6am to 10am and 5pm to 9pm.

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