NUMSA welcomes recommendation for SIU to probe Takatso-SAA deal

NUMSA welcomes recommendation for SIU to probe Takatso-SAA deal

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa has welcomed the decision by Parliament's Public Enterprises Portfolio Committee to recommend referring the collapsed Takatso-SAA deal to the Special Investigating Unit to be probed further.

SAFTU: Gordhan must make SAA affairs public
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The planned sale of 51% of South African Airways to Takatso as a strategic equity partner was scrapped in March.

The government says it was by mutual agreement.

The committee says the department has not been able to successfully dispute and disprove al the allegations by former director-general Kgathatso Tlhakudi that the deal was hijacked to benefit certain people.

Minister Gordhan has been accused of trying to keep the agreement's details under wraps.

NUMSA's Phakamile Hlubi-Majola says they are vindicated by this decision as they have opposed the deal from the start.

"The committee’s job is to play an oversight role on the Department of Public Enterprises, and it found that Minister Pravin Gordhan failed to conduct himself in an open, honest and transparent manner with regards to the transaction. 

“The minister attempted to bully the committee into keeping the deal a secret, even though there was absolutely no justification in doing so. SAA is a State Owned  Entity, and every aspect of the deal must be open to the public to scrutinise."


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