NW motorist urged to be vigilant

NW motorist urged to be vigilant

Authorities in the  North West have urged motorists to be cautious following several hijackings on the road between Ventersdrop and Coligny. 


 In August a 34-year-old man was stopped by a group of armed suspects wearing traffic uniforms who demanded to see the man's driver's licence. 

The suspects then bundled the man into the back of their vehicle at gunpoint. 

They drove eventually dropped the victim off on the road between Ventersdrop and Krugerdorp. 

 In a second incident, a 28-year-old man offered two hitchhikers a lift on the road between Venterdrop and Coligny.

When he stopped to drop one of the hitchhikers near Coligny, the victim was assaulted with a wheel spanner and the suspects fled the scene in his vehicle.

 The police's Adele Myburgh says motorists need to be vigilant when stopped by hikers, police and traffic officers.

 "Motorists are requested to exercise caution when stopped by unknown people and to report such incidents to the nearest police station, if stopped by police or traffic officials and you feel unsafe or threatened put on your hazards lights and slowly drive to the nearest police station."

 Myburgh says motorists must never offer hitchhikers lifts and avoid stopping next to the road unless it's an emergency.

 "Never offer a lift to a hitchhiker and do not stop next to the road except for an emergency. People stopping to relieve themselves have also fall victim of this crime."

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