Phiyega asks for more time to respond to Zuma’s notice of inquiry

Phiyega asks for more time to respond to Zuma’s notice of inquiry

National police commissioner Riah Phiyega late last month told President Jacob Zuma she needed more time and clarity to make representations on why she should not be suspended pending the outcome of an inquiry into her fitness for office.

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Zuma had informed Phiyega of his intention to institute an inquiry — as recommended by the report of the Farlam commission on inquiry into the Marikana massacre — on August 20 and gave her six days to respond.

“General Phiyega responded on the 24th of August 2015, stating that she needed further clarity to enable her to respond,” the presidency said.

It did not immediately respond to questions on the new deadline Zuma had given Phiyega for representations, but said government would continue to implement the recommendations of the commission.

The commission found that top police management had lied about the events leading up to the killing of 34 striking workers at Lonmin’s Marikana mine three years ago and tried to obscure the fact that the operation which led to their death was hastily made without evaluation.


File photo: Gallo Images

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