PODCAST: The women in the elections fighting the political battle

PODCAST: The women in the elections fighting the political battle

Thirty years into democracy, South African politics still has a predominantly male face, despite women making up 51% of our country's population of 60 million.

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 As we head to the May 29 elections, the majority of the political parties are still led by men. In the fifth episode of our limited series elections podcast, the Jacaranda FM News team hears from women battling it out in politics …..

The story of South Africa’s liberation struggle cannot be told without lauding to the integral role of the women who lay their lives, offered their thoughts, and raised children whose fathers were detained or killed by the brutality of apartheid.

After three decades of democracy, the ruling ANC, the opposition DA and the majority of other parties still have men in leadership positions.

Women at the forefront of some of the parties and organisations say some of the daily challenges they face include patriarchy, a lack of funding, slanted media coverage, and divisions among women in positions of authority and power.

However, they believe the dream of a female president is no longer as farfetched as it may have been back in 1994. They warn that setting our eyes on the highest office in the land should not discount the undeniable strides women continue to make, taking up space, pioneering, and leading across industries.  

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Elections 2024 – The Power of your X is an original limited Jacpod series.

It was researched, written, produced and presented by the Jacaranda FM News team.

Listen to the other episodes in our limited series: 

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