Police in a shoot-out with zama zamas

Police in a shoot-out with zama zamas

Police were met with firepower on Wednesday afternoon when they arrived for a surprise raid in Matholesville, Roodepoort.

A team of investigators was assembled after nine zama zama miners were found dead in a road in Roodepoort after they were brutally attacked by unknown assailants over a week ago.

Police spokesperson Kay Makhubele says the team investigating the killings were following leads in Matholesville when they were met with hostility.

He says when they arrived on location the zama zama's opened fire.

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"The police returned fire. Two suspects were shot and injured and eight others were arrested.

"During the arrest, two unlicensed firearms were recovered. The firearms will be sent ballistics to determine if they were used in other crimes."

Makhubela says the suspects will be profiled to determine any criminal history.

The suspects will appear at the Roodepoort Magistrate’s Court soon.

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