Polokwane murder case in camera

Polokwane murder case held in-camera

Five teenagers who have been arrested for murder will be appearing in-camera at the Polokwane Magistrates Court on Thursday.

Photo: Google Maps

This after video footage emerged on social media at the weekend showing teenagers dragging a badly assaulted 28-year-old Thoriso Themane through a street of the suburb, Flora Park.   

Themane was rushed to hospital by a passerby before being pronounced dead.   

Police say the student had been a victim of mob justice and that one of the suspects is the son of a former police officer. 

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has confirmed that the case will be in-camera, as set out by the Children's Act.

The court case will take place in the form of a preliminary inquiry.

Limpopo’s NPA spokesperson Mashudu Malabi-Dzhangi says no one else will be allowed in court except the prosecutor who will be handling the case, parents of the suspects and the presiding officer.

At the time of their arrest, police confirmed the suspects are 15 and 16 years old.

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