President appoints two new judges to the Constitutional Court

President appoints two new judges to the Constitutional Court

President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed Judges Narandran “Jody” Kollapen and Rammaka Steven Mathopo as Judges of the Constitutional Court, with effect from 1 January 2022.


In a statement released on Friday, the Presidency said the two judges were selected by Ramaphosa from a list of five nominees.


“The President made appointments from the list given to him by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), and must advise them, with reasons, if any of the nominees are unacceptable and any appointment remains to be made.”



According to the Presidency, they received a letter dated 27 October 2021 from the Acting Chairperson of the Commission, Judge Raymond Zondo, about the recommendation of five candidates to fill two vacancies in the Constitutional Court.


“The candidates were Justice B Molemela, Justice R Mathopo, Justice F Kathree-Setiloane, Justice J Kollapen and Justice B Vally.”


Ramaphosa, as the head of the national executive, appoints the judges of the Constitutional Court after consulting the Chief Justice and the leaders of parties represented in the National Assembly.


“Judge Kollapen served as a Judge of Gauteng Division from 2010 after he served as a member and later chairperson of the South African Human Rights Commission.


“Judge Mathopo was appointed as a Judge, also in the Gauteng Division of the High Court, in 2006 and was elevated to the Supreme Court of Appeal in 2015.”


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