Private school pupils can return on 1 Feb

Private school pupils can return on 1 Feb

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has Gazetted the latest regulations regarding the reopening of schools at the start of the 2021 academic year.

Angie Motshekga

Pupils from private schools will be allowed to return to the classroom on 1 February.


The latest regulations were published in the Government Gazette on Friday afternoon.


It states that private and independent schools may reopen two weeks after the announcement by the department.


The Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Reginah Mhuale, announced on 15 January that public schools may only re-open on February the 15th.


Government delayed the reopening of schools to prevent additional pressure on the healthcare system.


School management teams at government schools can return on Monday, 25 January to prepare schools, with teachers expected to be back at school from the 1st of February.

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