Quarterly crime stats welcomed

Quarterly crime stats welcomed

Quarterly crime statistics will improve not only police accountability, but will help the police to fight crime more effectively. 


The Portfolio Committee on Police in Parliament has welcomed the announcement, made Thursday, that crime statistics will soon also be released on a quarterly basis.


Announcing the decision by Cabinet, Minister in the Presidency Jeff Radebe told journalists that the police will continue to publish one comprehensive annual report, and crime statistics on a quarterly basis.


“The need for frequent statistics will better enable government decision-making to address issues from crime trends,” he said.


Francois Beukman, Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee, said the regular publication of crime statistics will “ensure that pro-active, effective decisions and interventions are made in hotspot areas,” he said in statement.


The latest available statistics show South Africa’s crime rate increase by 0.09 percent over the 2014/15 with 2 206 505 crimes committed.

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