Ramaphosa stands by his word: Vaccines won’t be forced onto anyone

Ramaphosa stands by his word: Vaccines won’t be forced onto anyone

Ramaphosa was answering questions in the National Assembly on Friday.

Ramaphosa stands by his word: Vaccines won’t be forced onto anyone

President Cyril Ramaphosa has reiterated his previous statement that no one will be forced to get vaccinated.

Ramaphosa was answering questions in the National Assembly on Friday.

He told MPs that cabinet is determined to work with South Africans to overcome the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and rebuild the economy.

Ramaphosa said while he understands there is some Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy, people should not be forced to get jabbed

“Instead, we need to use the available scientific evidence to encourage people to be vaccinated, to protect themselves and to protect those around them.

“At the same time our occupational health and safety laws require that we ensure a safe working environment.

“Getting vaccinated is not only a personal choice about protecting yourself from infections but it is also about protecting others including one’s own family, friends, co-workers and allowing the whole of society to return to normal activity more quickly.”

He believes the jabs will also help the country avoid a fourth wave of infections.

“If we can vaccinate a large enough proportion of the population, particularly the adult population by December 2021, we can avoid another devastating wave of infections and restrictions on the economy.

“Those who refuse to be vaccinated are increasing the risks for all of us, not only for the further resurgence of infections, but also prolong the economic hardship and lack of recovery.”


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