Ramathuba on NHI: Stop ‘elitism tendency’ in healthcare

Ramathuba on NHI: Stop ‘elitism tendency’ in healthcare

Limpopo Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba believes the National Health Insurance will prevent patients without medical aid from dying due to insufficient medical care. 

Limpopo Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba

Last week, President Cyril Ramaphosa signed into law the controversial bill which seeks to achieve universal healthcare for all South Africans.


Ramathuba said medical practitioners who threaten to leave the country due to NHI must stop with their “elitism tendency” when it comes to healthcare services.


"We are saying to those private specialists who are saying 'we will leave the country because NHI blah-blah' and all stories to say to me and you, the medical schools that trained us never trained us to look at the disease in terms of the size of the pocket.


"Medical schools taught us in terms of the severity of your illness. We must treat every patient."


Ramathuba spoke at a ceremony to hand over 165 new ambulances at the Old Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane.


She said the final batch of 566 ambulances is a sign that NHI is possible in the country.


"This is evidence that NHI is possible under the current ANC-led government."


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