Religious leaders asks ANC to assist Zuma in stepping down

Religious leaders ask ANC to assist Zuma in stepping down

The South African Council of Churches has called for President Jacob Zuma to step down.

South African Council of Churches_jacanews
Photo: Maryke Vermaak, JacarandaFM News

The SACC president, Bishop Ziphozihle Siwa, said there has been a loss in public confidence and the country was in pain and they are calling on the president to amend this.

The religious leaders briefed the media Friday afternoon following a meeting with ANC officials and said they asked the party to assist President Zuma in stepping down. 

The leaders said it was not personal.

Siwa said they, as the Council of Churches, did not accept Zuma's apology to the nation a week ago today.

The SACC explained that, contrary to what some in the ANC have been saying, calling for the president to step down was not asking for a regime change.

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