SAHRC considers legal action against Watson children

SAHRC considers legal action against Watson children

The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) could take Bosasa boss Gavin Watson's children to court for their part in Angelo Agrizzi's racist rant.

HRC coutside court

It is alleged the two were responsible for the dissemination of the video that implicated Agrizzi.


"The South Human Rights Commission is considering taking legal steps against the children of Mr Watson, Gerald and Linzey, for allegedly publicly disseminating and publicizing information that unfairly discriminates," says SAHRC's Buang Jones.


The commission says it will work with Agrizzi on the matter.


"Mr Agrizzi has undertaken to cooperate with the commission," says Jones.


On Thursday Agrizzi agreed to pay R200 000 for his racist slur.


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