SARS officials arrive at Hawks offices

SARS officials arrive at Hawks offices

The two former SARS officials that have been summoned arrived at the offices of the Hawks this morning. 


Meanwhile the Minister of Finances, Pravin Gordhan indicated that he will not adhere to the summons.

The officials were summoned to the Hawks' officer in connection with an investigation into the so-called "rogue" unit within the South African Revenue Services.

Last night, Minister Gordhan reiterated that he won't report to the Hawks this morning, on instruction from his lawyers.

The DA's Mmusi Maimane has reacted to the saga, calling it a witch-hunt.

Maimane submitted an urgent request to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Baleka Mbete, for a debate of public importance on the investigation of Minister Gordhan.

ALSO READ: Analyst: Hawks & Gordhan conflict damaging SA's economy

"We need to debate the Zuma-mandated witch-hunt against sitting Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan, which has dominated public debate over the past 48 hours," Maimane said in a statement.

Members of the civil organisations, Section 27 as well as Corruption Watch arrived at the Hawks headquarters earlier, to support the SARS officials. 

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