Solidarity given green light to seize Denel assets

Solidarity given green light to seize Denel assets

Trade union Solidarity has obtained a warrant of execution from the Labour Court to seize assets worth R12.7 million from Denel. 

Pic Courtesty: Facebook

The union says state-owned arms manufacturer failed to pay outstanding salaries since May last year. 

Solidarity's Helgard Cronje says the cash-strapped entity failed to honour a court order to pay workers. 

"We have received a warrant of execution that was issued by the Labour Court today (Thursday). It is the culmination of the litigation process that we started in June and July last year on behalf of our members.

"We received the court order in August and Denel wasn't able to abide by that court order and we have started with the process to enforce the court order and warrant of execution is half of the prosecution process and the other half is the contempt of court which is still reserved and waiting for. " 

Cronje says the proper procedure will be followed when seizing assets. 

"We are considering which assets that we can seize that will not operationally impact Denel to such an extent it will close down.

"We are doing things to follow things through the stage except that Denel can come with some sort of plan on how to pay that money without us seizing the assets."


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