Sooklal: I am absolutely certain Jacob Zuma is a corrupt man

Sooklal: I am absolutely certain Jacob Zuma is a corrupt man

A tribunal probing economic crimes has heard damning claims implicating President Jacob Zuma in corruption during the controversial arms deal on Monday. 

Jacob Zuma_gcis
Photo: GCIS

The People's Tribunal, sitting at Constitutional Hill in Johannesburg, is hearing testimony on corruption that took place during the arms deal.


Ajay Sooklal, a lawyer who represented French company Thales, was on the witness stand on Monday.


"Schabir Shaik was the corruptor and Zuma was the corruptee," Sooklal testified.


According to Sooklal, Shaik, a former close associate of Zuma, received bribes from Thales.


He also testified that the French arms manufacturer paid bribes of R500 000 per year to then deputy president Zuma for protection against any prosecution by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).


Sooklal also claimed that Thales made a payment of 1 million euros as a donation to the African National Congress (ANC) ahead of the 2006 national elections.

The probe into commercial crimes in South Africa during apartheid is set to end on Wednesday.

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