Strike set to hit funeral parlours

Strike set to hit funeral parlours

Employees in the funeral industry are expected to go on strike from Monday.

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The shutdown comes after the government failed to respond to the sector’s list of demands, which include concern over corruption in the industry.

National Funeral Practitioners Association of South Africa president Muzi Hlengwa says the shutdown will take place from Monday. 

“We as the industry has decided to call on the national strike where all funeral parlours, suppliers, crematorium, private cemeteries and all our employees will be sitting at home for the next three days in order to try get the attention of the government to respect us and to respond with positive answers to our demands.”

Hlengwa has also accused government of only appointing some funeral parlours for state funerals.  

“The kind of corruption to come to an end in the industry where some individuals get more work through connections in the government, we believe that the tender system should come to an end as it is the source of corruption.  

“Every service provider should be appointed by the family and in the absence, parlours must rotate. This year we had one company conducting all state funerals and the government should not be involved in the appointment of the funeral parlour.”  



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