Sugar sector pay talks under way

Sugar sector pay talks under way

Talks between employers and strikers in the sugar industry are being held at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) on Monday.

"A... conciliation is going on today," CCMA spokeswoman Laura Mseme said.
This was the first day of talks.
Last Monday, sugar refining and milling workers began a strike for a wage increase of 11 percent across the board, a 40-hour work week and an R800 monthly housing subsidy.
The strikers also want all fixed-term and contract workers permanently employed.
At the time Tongaat Hulett said it had offered an 8.5 percent increase and that talks were ongoing.
Last week, Business Report said operations at the company had stopped, and that Illovo Sugar's operations had been affected as well.
The Food and Allied Workers Union and other union members in the industry were expected to hold a meeting at TSB Sugar in Malelane, Mpumalanga, on
- Sapa

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